Agora Food Trading WLL

Information about the Agora Food Trading WLL instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

Agora Reports
Custom reports for Agora Food
App Management
Module to manage ecommerce shopping mobile application
App Banners
Module to handle manage banners on mobile application
App Branches
Module to handle Branches on mobile application
App Double Delivery
Manage double delivery fees for products on the mobile application
App Documents
Module to handle Documents on mobile application
App Loyalty
Extend loyalty extras for the mobile application
App Notifications
Module to handle Notifications on mobile application
App Orders
Module to handle customer orders on mobile application
App Partners
Module to handle contacts and users on mobile application
App Payments
Module to handle customer payments on mobile application
App Pricelists
Module to handle pricelists on mobile application
App Products
Module to handle products on mobile application
App Ribbon
Module to handle product ribbons on mobile application
App Sequence Countries
Manage the product sequence per country on the mobile application
App Shipping Methods
Module to handle Shipping Methods on mobile application
App Stock
Module to handle warehouse product stock on mobile application
Hide Ecommerce Category
Loyalty Extras
BenefitPay Payment Acquirer
BenefitPay: Payment Gateway Online Payment | Debit Card Payment | E-commerce payment | Online sale payment | Online card payment
POS Table Codes
This module allows you to Generate a secret code when user want create any order then secret key is matched or not
Pricelists & Website Availability
Pricelists need to be configurable to be used on on multiple and/or specific websites.
Default Taxes on Product Creation
Set default taxes for multicompany on product creation
Product List By Category
Extra Product Media & Website Availability
Extra product media needs to be configurable to be on multiple and/or specific websites.
Products & Website Availability
Products availability on multiple and/or specific websites.
Product Ribbons & Website Availability
Products & Ribbon_adv_Multi_Web
No Product Creation in Sales
Removes functionality to create and edit products from sales orders
Limit eCommerce Countries
Show/hide countries in eCommerce
Website Cart Visibility
Control add to cart visibility
Project Description per Website
Custom product descriptions per website.
Web Multi Promo Code
Module to create promo codes as an array in pricelists.
Web POS Ordering
This Module is used to sync pos order on website
Web Restaurant Menu
Web Restaurant Menu
Web Stock Check
Restrict website customers from adding to cart, process checkout products which are out of stock
Odoo Website Address City
Odoo Website Address City modifies the Odoo base_ address_city module and makes it more convenient for the user to add their address on the Odoo website. Further, the Odoo admin can add the city address in the backend which users can select from the website. Admin can add website city groups means they can add the cities in different states, UTs, or counties.
eCommerce Delivery Double
Based on product, qty and floor , Add delivery double costs to online sales
Website Sale Customer Order Note
Allow Customers to add message/comment before placing an order.
Rounding Payment
POS Customer Display
Pos Customer screen allows you to show information in LCD display and do not require POS Box and also work on COM port.
Payment Noon - Hosted Checkout
Noon payment provider for web hosted checkout
Agora POS Customisation
Agora point of sale receipt and UI customisation.
From quotations to invoices
Invoices & Payments
Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Manage financial and analytic accounting
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Point of Sale
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
Sell your products online
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
Email Marketing
Design, send and track emails
Create and customize your Odoo apps
Document management
Centralize employee information
Address district extended
Extend website address city to include districts for KSA
Data Recycle
Find old records and archive/delete them
Invoicing Ext
Invoice Custom report
Benefit Payment Provider (Legacy)
Integrate BENEFIT Gateway with Odoo.
Website CCAvenue IFrame Checkout Payment Acquirer
Payment Acquirer: CCAvenue iFrame Checkout
POS Discount Manager Approval
Discount limit for each employee in every point of sale
User Audit | User Activity Audit
Follow Users Traces,Audit Trail,User Log,Log Report, Record Log,Record Information,User Activity log, Record History,Log History,User Activity Audit Log,Manage Audit Logs,Track every Users Operation,Delete Log,audit user activity Odoo
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralize your address book
Schedule employees' meetings
Track employee attendance
Internet of Things
Basic models and helpers to support Internet of Things.
Organize your work with memos
Employee Contracts